Allishader and the Many Crayons was a collaborative project I worked on for my advanced game design class at SCAD with a team of 5 other students. The player, as Allishader, works to color in the environment as they go! While my team focused on the amazing art, I worked on all of the code and systems, putting everything into Unreal Engine and making everything tick.
Click to Scroll!

The base of the game was this color system. Players had the option to change the color of their crayon by using either the number keys or the mouse scroll wheel. This changed not only the color of the crayon in the character's hand, but also the user cursor (for example, yellow crayon cursor when using the color yellow). When clicking on any actor, the actor reacts based on the color the player had selected when clicking, the effect varying based on the actor. So, if the player was using the color blue, it would call the "Blue Click" event on the clicked object.